My apartment is a disaster right now. An unmitigated disaster. My kitchen table is covered in books, shoes, dresses, and more. The struggle is real.
But you know, what? That's okay because I'm packing right now ahead of my trip across the country to the Romance Writers of America national conference in San Diego. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to cram everything into one carry-on bag (I'm a determined light packer).
I'm really looking forward to RWA this year, especially because I'm going to be doing my first signing for Pocket! I will have bound copies of The Governess Was Wicked available and I would love to sign one for you!
Here are the important details:
Gallery & Pocket Signing at RWA Friday, July 15 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Marriott Grand Ballroom 3-4
If you're interested in copies of Seduction in the Snow and The Wedding Week, I will also have a limited number of paperbacks with me at the conference.
So please, say hi and introduce yourself!